GH Parts
GH Parts offer quality grape harvester parts at affordable prices.
Chris was referred to us by a client because his six month old website wasn’t bringing him any orders from new customers.
Unfortunately for Chris he’d already paid another web developer thousands of dollars for his six month old website, however, due to a lack of web and SEO strategy his website wasn’t bringing in any new customers. The sales coming through were only from existing customers who already knew him well. He didn’t know what to do to reach more customers, word of mouth was great but it wasn’t enough to grow his business.
When Chris approached us, we immediately spotted a number of issues with his website. Even though it was only 6 months old, it looked dated, busy and didn’t clearly explain what products GH Parts sold or who it was for. The website was clunky and the page load time was very high.

The Solution
We knew that a website redesign would be the first step in helping GH Parts sell their grape harvester parts to old customers as well as new ones. Also, a huge benefit when redesigning a website is that you get to develop a strategy for SEO from the beginning. Done right, this would greatly improve GH Parts chances of a higher performing website and better ranking on Google, which all lead to more sales!

The Outcome
GH Parts went from nowhere to be found on Google for his search terms to dominating the grape harvester parts space all within the space of 4 months. They even outrank brand suppliers.
In 4 months there has been a 48% increase in organic visitors, that has resulted in a 20% increase in website sales.
Website enquiries have increased 7X since the new website went live.
This is all in the space of 4 months.

Consistency is Key

Digital Strategy
Web Design
Web Development
The new website has resulted in a 20% increase in website sales, and we’ve had enquiries and sales from new customers which is great to see.
Chris Lowe
GH Parts
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